The SCOPE lab welcomes its newest member, Aneesh Khilnani.

Aneesh is a master’s student in the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, specializing in Astrodynamics and Space Applications. He completed his undergraduate education at Purdue University in Spring 2022 with degrees in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering and Applied Mathematics. As an undergraduate, Aneesh completed internships at ATA Engineering, NASA Langley Research Center, and The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory; these work experiences were concentrated in structural dynamics, flight dynamics, and controls. Additionally, he was a researcher for the Automation and Optimization Laboratory under Prof. Ran Dai, where he developed an assessed the attitude dynamics of a quadcopter simulating a fuel-optimal powered descent on Mars. After completion of his MSAAE degree, Aneesh hopes to continue towards the Ph.D. program.